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Camiimiz / Our Mosque

New Peckham Mosque has become more active with its new management recently. Our mosque is one of the largest mosques in South London. In addition to the service provided to our Turkish citizens, it also serves our Muslims of different ethnic origins.

HUTBE – 31.01.2020

Bugün hutbemizde aile ile ilgili konuşmaya çalışacağız. Dinimiz islam Anne baba ve çocuklardan oluşan aileyi Allah’ın varlığının bir ayeti olarak tanımlamaktadır. Rum suresinin 21. ayetinde Rabbimiz şöyle buyuruyor; “Onlara ısınıp kaynaşasınız diye size kendi türünüzden eşler yaratıp aranıza sevgi ve şefkat duyguları yerleştirmesi de O’nun

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New Peckham Mosque has become more active with its new management recently. Our mosque is one of the largest mosques in South London. In addition to the service provided to our Turkish citizens, it also serves our Muslims of different ethnic origin. With the activities and activities implemented, we continue to be a growing community day by day.


"And whatever good you [believers] spend is for yourselves, and you do not spend except seeking the countenance of Allah . And whatever you spend of good - it will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged."
Surah Al-Baqarah [2:272]

new peckham mosque

We carry out aid activities for the construction of more beautiful lives.

With our donors, we are instrumental in reaching goodness, charity and aid to the four continents of the world.

We carry out aid activities for the construction of more beautiful lives with Water Well, Qurban, Health, Human Emergency, Education and Orphan Aids, and we continue our efforts to implement long-term and permanent projects.

Upcoming Events

Our mosque is one of the largest mosques in South London. In addition to the service provided to our Turkish citizens, it also serves our Muslims of different ethnic origins.

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